Sunday, March 30, 2008

i am the greatest Thundercat of them all.

  • for those who don't know, i got a new job. [no more LUXXI!] i'm an Inpatient Analyst at Presbyterian Hospital of Denton. which basically means, i work with med. records. i'm in training as of right now, but i like it so far.
  • i have 3 exams this week- Astronomy, History, and Music for Human Imagination. krista=stressed out!
  • i got pics and info from World Vision today regarding Edson. i'm really excited to get the process going. [he is adorable!]
  • school is over in like, 5-ish weeks. this makes me want to do cartwheels up and down my room.
  • i got 3 books for $5 at the half priced bookstore on the square[purple book store].DANG. this made me extremely happy. Lord of the Flies, Frankenstein, and Walden. [all of which i've been wanting to read for quite some time.]
  • i'm currently reading My Sister's Keeper. it's excellent.
  • my aunt, uncle and cousin came into town this weekend from Liberty Hill [about an hour from Austin]. we all had a really good time. i love it when they come to visit, and wish they didn't live so far away.
  • Thai Ocho on University Dr., is amazing! [if you're into thai food.] they have great food.

i love you guys.


1 comment:

Kaity said...

Your job sound professional! thats so cool!
kris. dont stress. school = lame!
oh the purple book store.
im hungry.
see you in an hour!