Thursday, January 3, 2008

home of the brave.

as the 2008 presidential election nears, i've been doing some research on all of the candidates. and i must admit, out of 15 runners, none of them really catch my interest. there are several who's political standpoints i agree on, however, how they portray themselves throughout the media is a little off. there are some who i wouldn't be heartbroken if they fell off of a cliff. there are some who have excellent ideas for this country. i was talking to my sister about it, and she is not even sure she will vote this year. she backs this up by saying that people vote ignorantly by voting for all the wrong reasons. some will vote for Hilary Clinton, simply because of her views on the war in iraq (which i must say, don't sound half bad) without taking a look about what else she is about. promoting abortions so that it is the social "norm" in america. crazy. we both agreed that most american's aren't well informed about the social and politcal policies today. do we really want those american's standing in line outside the polls? do we want those american's deciding our future? it's all a popularity contest. do you know how many people will vote for Obama, simply because Oprah is his "campaigner?" i believe it is my right as an american to vote. and i'm very proud of that right; and i will, on election day, cast my vote on who i think would make the best leader for this country. however, we all must really keep in mind why we vote. do we vote for the leader who is most popular? what about the leader who wants to end the war immeadiately? will we vote out of ignorance?

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