Sunday, December 30, 2007

a fresh start.

  • new years eve is tomorrow. i love the start of a brand new, fresh year. a new year to start over. i never keep my resolutions, but this year i plan to. i think it's good to make resolutions for yourself; especially if you can live up to them.
  • the start of a new year, means it's that much closer until robbie comes home.(the end of Feb) i miss him more than words could ever describe.
  • i need to find a new job. this one does not pay near enough. and my boss is a crazy man.
  • my sister has been in San Fran for a few days, and i've been borrowing her car. it's nice to take a break from driving a car as old as Methuselah.
  • i miss kaity.
  • school doesn't start until the 14th. and for this, i am utterly thrilled.
  • i need a new phone. BADLY.
  • i am obsessed with my new ipod, Fantasia.
  • yes, i named her...don't hate.
  • i'm going to start taking guitar lessons, i've decided.
  • i think it might be fun.

well, now that you're all caught up on my life, i wish everyone a very happy new year.

with love,


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