Friday, May 16, 2008

: ]

stole this from rob.

i am: a really great friend.
i think: i'm a little sunburned from the lake this morning.
i need: more sleeeep.
i know: i have cool friends.
i want: my birthday to get here.
i have: a sweet guitar. (sharona)
i wish: i hadn't scarfed down that baked potato loaded with butter and cheese.
i hate: when people are one sided, and don't consider other people's points of view.
i miss: my boyfriend.
i fear: the bathrooms at the lake.
i feel: full.
i hear: the t.v. in the living room.
i smell: my house.
i crave: something sweet.
i search: all the time in life.
i wonder: constantly.
i regret: just one thing...that almost ruined my life.
i love: my mother.
i ache: when i'm sick. my whole body aches.
i care: for everyone. even when they don't care for me.
i always: wear the ring robbie gave me.
i am not: a fake person.
i believe: in jesus. in others. in myself.
i dance: whenever i get the chance.
i sing: quite loudly in my car.
i don't always: exercise like i should.
i fight: when i have something worth protecting.
i write: when i'm upset, and need to get things off my chest.
i win: at scene it. [bring it, sucka]
i lose: at almost any other game.
i never: have been to disneyworld. [*gasp*]
i confuse: other people when i try to give them directions.
i listen: when people talk to me.
i can usually be found: at work. at home. at kaity's.
i am scared: of losing the ones i love.
i need: love.
i am happy about: going to six flags on monday : ]

1 comment:

Kaity said...

I tagged you. readith my blogith.