Friday, May 30, 2008

i've been tagged, yo.

Rules of the game:Answer the questions and tag five other people. Be sure to post a comment on their blog letting them know they have been tagged. [sorry, i'm not going to play by the rules because everyone i know has already been tagged. therefore, i'm just doin this for fun.]

What were you doing 5 years ago?
1. preparing for my LONG high school career.[woot!]
2. enjoying the summer.
3. dang, i was 14.
4. probably hanging out with my chum, sara.
5. being hardcore.

What are 5 things on your to do list today?
1. the day is over, so here are 4 things i did-
2. ate lunch with danielle and sara.
3. went to my sister's house.
4. took a nap. [that was rudely interrupted by my brother who doesn't know what the word quiet means.]
5. went to denton with my mother.

What are 5 snacks you enjoy?
1. oranges.
2. doritos.
3. yogurt.
4. pickles.
5. bagel w/ cream cheese.

What are 5 things you would do if you were a billionaire?
1. donate a crap load to charity.
2. put some away for school, of course.
3. buy my grandparents a new car.
4. buy a house.
5. buy alot of puppies.

What are 5 of your bad Habits?
2. i can be a slob sometimes. [ok, all the time.]
3. i eat when i'm bored.
4. popping my knuckles.
5. belching really loud on occasion.

What are 5 places you have lived?
1. house in Lewisville on Sweetbriar.
2. house in Lewisville on Stemmons.
3. first house in sanger on Keaton.
4. second house where my rents live now.
5. crumley on UNT campus. [a.k.a.-hell.]

What are 5 jobs you've had?
1. Gattis pizza. [i worked with all boys, and they made me wash dishes the whole time.]
2. Mcdonalds.
3. Red River Pump. [shout out to my boy, joel!]
4. Luxxi.
5. Presby of Denton.

What 5 people do you want to tag?
1. your mom.

Friday, May 16, 2008

: ]

stole this from rob.

i am: a really great friend.
i think: i'm a little sunburned from the lake this morning.
i need: more sleeeep.
i know: i have cool friends.
i want: my birthday to get here.
i have: a sweet guitar. (sharona)
i wish: i hadn't scarfed down that baked potato loaded with butter and cheese.
i hate: when people are one sided, and don't consider other people's points of view.
i miss: my boyfriend.
i fear: the bathrooms at the lake.
i feel: full.
i hear: the t.v. in the living room.
i smell: my house.
i crave: something sweet.
i search: all the time in life.
i wonder: constantly.
i regret: just one thing...that almost ruined my life.
i love: my mother.
i ache: when i'm sick. my whole body aches.
i care: for everyone. even when they don't care for me.
i always: wear the ring robbie gave me.
i am not: a fake person.
i believe: in jesus. in others. in myself.
i dance: whenever i get the chance.
i sing: quite loudly in my car.
i don't always: exercise like i should.
i fight: when i have something worth protecting.
i write: when i'm upset, and need to get things off my chest.
i win: at scene it. [bring it, sucka]
i lose: at almost any other game.
i never: have been to disneyworld. [*gasp*]
i confuse: other people when i try to give them directions.
i listen: when people talk to me.
i can usually be found: at work. at home. at kaity's.
i am scared: of losing the ones i love.
i need: love.
i am happy about: going to six flags on monday : ]

Friday, May 2, 2008

big news.

for those of you who don't know, i have had a hard time deciding what i want my major to be;what i want to do in life. i have gone back and forth alot- from doing hair, to substance abuse counseling, to social work....and i have finally decided that i want to be a nurse.

i'm transferring to nctc's RN program next semester. i should complete my associate's degree in nursing in a couple of years, and if i choose to, get my bachelor's degree. the course structure is very difficult, seeing as how it's a medical field, but you have to work to really get what you want out of life, right?

i have always wanted to have a job where i could help people, and make a difference in people's lives. now that i know that i'm going to get the chance to do that i am so beyond thrilled, and i feel very blessed.

: ]