Sunday, December 30, 2007

a fresh start.

  • new years eve is tomorrow. i love the start of a brand new, fresh year. a new year to start over. i never keep my resolutions, but this year i plan to. i think it's good to make resolutions for yourself; especially if you can live up to them.
  • the start of a new year, means it's that much closer until robbie comes home.(the end of Feb) i miss him more than words could ever describe.
  • i need to find a new job. this one does not pay near enough. and my boss is a crazy man.
  • my sister has been in San Fran for a few days, and i've been borrowing her car. it's nice to take a break from driving a car as old as Methuselah.
  • i miss kaity.
  • school doesn't start until the 14th. and for this, i am utterly thrilled.
  • i need a new phone. BADLY.
  • i am obsessed with my new ipod, Fantasia.
  • yes, i named her...don't hate.
  • i'm going to start taking guitar lessons, i've decided.
  • i think it might be fun.

well, now that you're all caught up on my life, i wish everyone a very happy new year.

with love,


Sunday, December 23, 2007


Christmas is here. i love the holiday season. i dig all the music, lights and spending time with my fam. it's my favorite time of the year. however, this Christmas seems a little different. it's not the same, of course, because i can't spend it with the one i love. it kills me the most because i know he is in a different country, and can not only not spend the holidays with me, but he can't see his family or friends either. the ones that he loves most in the world. that tears me apart. i think about it everyday. my heart hurts for him knowing how alone he is; how heartbroken he is knowing he can't be with the one's he cares about on the most special holiday of the year. my heart hurts for those of you who miss robbie as much as i do, and i want you to know i pray for you every day.

him and i always say that our christmas will be in February when he comes home. that's when we're going to celebrate- with each other, and with our families and our friends. however for some reason that doesn't take away from the fact that the "real thing" is in 2 days and he's not here. i didn't think this was going to be as difficult as it is.

i ask all of you to keep robbie in your thoughts and prayers. he really needs that this time of year.

with love,

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

my first.

can someone please tell me why it's 65 degrees outside...6 days before Christmas!
i hate Texas weather.

on another note, last night me, whit and kaity went ice skating at the Galleria.(where i nailed a triple axle, of course)
it was really fun.
none of us fell down, which i admit, i was expecting because it was really slick!
i don't think i've ever seen such a big christmas tree before.
we marveled at how many balls and lights were on it, and how long it must have taken them to set it up.
when we arrived to kaity's house, (note:her parents were out of town) we thought there was a man in her backyard.
the dogs were going crazy, i saw the christmas lights move, and i heard a man's voice.
so, of course what do we do?
we PANIC and call big rob!
promptly after, we call the cops and they come look around and find nothing so...maybe it was just imagination, or maybe they made a quick escape?
we'd like to think it was the first one.