Tuesday, October 14, 2008


i never post on this thing. partially because i don't have anything to blog about, and also because sometimes i forget i have this thing.
so, here is an update on life...

-i'm working on being happy. it's been a long time since i can truly say that i was content in every aspect of my life. i'm finding that what i used to think i want, is really not what i want anymore. i'm finding that some things are out of reach, and some things are not meant to be. (that might be confusing, but it makes sense in my head.)

-my bff, kaity friday, got electrocuted yesterday by a coke machine. (i don't know why i put that, i just thought it was pretty funny. she on the other hand will not.)

-school has been pretty stressful lately. every day i sit in A&P, i re-think wanting to be a nurse. but, i know in the long run when i finally am one, all the school crap will be worth it.

-i decided if i wasn't going to be a nurse, i'd be a chef.

-i haven't seen my sister in 3 days, and we live in the same house. goes to show you how conflicting both of our schedules are. i miss her.

-i want a dog so bad, and i have the backyard for it. they are just so darn expensive with the food, shots, heartworm meds..blahblahblah. : [

-sometimes i just have the urge to quit my jobs/school, pack up everything in a suitcase, and move to another country and just start a new life there. then i think about my mother murdering me, and that thought quickly exits my mind.

-i want to get involved in a boys&girls club, or something of that nature. i figure any free time i have should be spent doing things like that.

-i have become such an impatient person when driving. i have road rage like you've never seen. rarely do i ride in the car and not yell at someone for being a sucky driver.

-there is absolutely no food in my house.

-i am surviving off of coffee and oatmeal. oh, the joys of being a broke college student.

-the holidays are coming up...and i am PUMPED.

take care, my friends.

i love you all.